The British and Irish Lions are a rugby team comprised of players from the England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland national sides.

They tour every four years and rotate between Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. On each tour, they play a series of test matches against the local teams. Finally, they go against the host nation in a three-match test series.

Selection for the British and Irish Lions isn’t easy. Players must have already played for their national team or be eligible to do so. They must also be in peak physical condition and be performing at a high level.

The squad consists of 36 players who have only a short time to train before their first match.

What’s more, the training is intense. In 2021, for example, the Lions had only 10 days to prepare for their first warm-up match against Japan.

The players must also deal with other obstacles such as jet lag and climates hotter than they’re used to. Matches against the host nations are often physical and exciting to watch. The Lions’ 2021 tour was to South Africa, which they lost 2-1.


  • comprised of ~から成っている
  • every four years 四年ごとに
  • rotate between 巡回する。かわりばんこに順番に訪問する。
  • eligible ふさわしい人
  • peak physical condition ベストの体調
  • consist of ~から成っている
  • intense 強烈
  • deal with 対応する。折り合いをつける。我慢する
  • obstacle 被害物
  • climate 気候

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