The Six Nations is an annual international rugby tournament played by six teams: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy and France...
In this article we look at what professional rugby players eat to stay in shape and be match-ready...
ノックオン。またやっちゃった・・・。この試合で2回目だ。ボーダーランズの陣地で、相手ボールのスクラム。 ぼくのせいだ。なんとしてもボールをうばって、得点につなげなきゃいけないのに。ぼくらが勝つには、あと5点、必要なのに...
My predecessor as Japan coach, New Zealand's John Kirwan, favoured foreign players in his selections. He included plenty of New Zealand- and Pacific Island-born players. I headed in the opposite direction...