In a blitz defence a defensive line rushes forward at speed to reduce the amount of space and time the attacking team has...
On one infamous occasion, after we lost to the French Barbarians in 2012, I let them have it...
Our plan is simple. If we can keep the score close after an hour, it will unsettle them...
ノックオン。またやっちゃった・・・。この試合で2回目だ。ボーダーランズの陣地で、相手ボールのスクラム。 ぼくのせいだ。なんとしてもボールをうばって、得点につなげなきゃいけないのに。ぼくらが勝つには、あと5点、必要なのに...
My predecessor as Japan coach, New Zealand's John Kirwan, favoured foreign players in his selections. He included plenty of New Zealand- and Pacific Island-born players. I headed in the opposite direction...