
Our plan is simple. If we can keep the score close after an hour, it will unsettle them. Rather than smashing us into oblivion, they will start to have doubts. They will question their tactics and plans. The unthinkable – losing to Japan – will become a possibility. And if that possibility becomes real, you can guarantee that panic won’t be too far behind.


unsettle: 〜を動揺させる。不安にする。

oblivion: 忘却。忘れられていること。

smash into oblivion: 忘却の彼方に葬り去る。

have doubts: 疑いを抱く。

question: 疑問に感じる。

tactic: 戦術。

will not be too far behind: それほど遠くないうちに。

Available HERE

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