In a blitz defence a defensive line rushes forward at speed to reduce the amount of space and time the attacking team has...
On one infamous occasion, after we lost to the French Barbarians in 2012, I let them have it...
The Six Nations is an annual international rugby tournament played by six teams: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy and France...
In this article we look at what professional rugby players eat to stay in shape and be match-ready...
ノックオン。またやっちゃった・・・。この試合で2回目だ。ボーダーランズの陣地で、相手ボールのスクラム。 ぼくのせいだ。なんとしてもボールをうばって、得点につなげなきゃいけないのに。ぼくらが勝つには、あと5点、必要なのに...
My predecessor as Japan coach, New Zealand's John Kirwan, favoured foreign players in his selections. He included plenty of New Zealand- and Pacific Island-born players. I headed in the opposite direction...
The lineout is a common way of restarting the game after the ball goes out of bounds, or into touch, which is the area outside of the touch lines. There are many aspects to this manoeuvre — the following is a brief description of what it is.
Scotland’s Six Nations campaign got off to a glorious start as the team beat England at home 11-6 on Saturday, February 6th. This was Scotland’s first win over England at Twickenham Stadium since 1983. Here’s how the match played out...
Japan has long been labelled as a predictable, set-play dependent, unimaginative rugby nation. However, in recent years, it seems they are starting to ‘feel’ the game more and shake that label.
From January 2022, the Japan Rugby Football Union (JRFU) will introduce a new format to its professional league. Here are some of the details: