Before the England team took part in the 2021 Autumn Internationals, the players were put through some interesting strength and conditioning methods. This article talks a little about some of those methods.

Reflexive Performance Reset

Reflexive Performance Reset, or RPR as it is otherwise known, is a method taken from Chinese medical practices. It involves massaging the players’ pressure points. The objective of RPR is to “wake up” the body in all major areas including the player’s organs, muscle groups, metabolism, and to promote emotional well-being. It is usually performed prior to intense physical training. While there is no significant scientific research to prove that this practice is effective, it is becoming commonplace amongst athletes across various sports.

Mobility Training

A key part of mobility training involves using hurdle bars at both chest and waist height. Players jump over and as well as through the bars, alternating between the different heights. The objective of this training is to strengthen players’ hips and the muscle groups that are  used for running, making  people who do mobility training more agile.

Cold Water Training

In the build-up to the 2021 rugby internationals, the England camp were forced to swim in the channel off the Brighton coast during training sessions. Swimming in cold waters has several health benefits. For instance, it boosts a person’s immune system because the body is forced to react to a sudden change in temperature. When practiced over time, cold water swimming allows the body to become quicker at combating illnesses. What’s more, it reduces inflammation, which can allow the muscles to heal quicker after an intense weight session. The England rugby team won its 2021 Autumn International campaign with three back-to-back victories, so it seems that these training methods were successful. Yet, with a botched 2022 Six Nations campaign to bounce back from, it will be interesting to see what new strength and conditioning methods will be utilized before the England rugby team goes head-to-head against Australia for three straight games in the 2022 summer rugby internationals.


Vocabulary List

conditioning 身体の調整

reflexive 再帰

pressure points 圧迫部分 ・ 止血点

objective 目標

organ 臓器

metabolism 代謝

well-being 幸福

intense 強烈な

significant 特定の

effective 効果的

commonplace よくある

mobility 動きやすさ、可動性

agile 機敏

immune system 免疫システム

inflammation 炎症

botched 失敗した

Word Frequency

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